• Top 21 secret tips for local Facebook Marketing|DIGITAL NET GURU

    Secret Tips For Local Facebook Marketing
    Do you really feel like Facebook is changing so fast it's hard to keep up with it all?

    Don't worry, even the leading Facebook marketers feel that way sometimes -- especially as Facebook continues to make it harder for marketers to get the results they actually want.

    Facebook moves at a super fast pace, and if you stop for a moment, it's easy to fall behind.
    That's why it's necessary to focus on keeping your Facebook marketing skills as up-to-date as possible in the simplest ways possible.

    In this post, I'll share 21 of the best Facebook marketing tips that you can begin using right now.

    1. Use Facebook account for yourself
    If you are an active user of Facebook, then you can move on to number 2. If you are not -- then this is where you should start immediately. so to effectively market to Facebook users, you need to be a Facebook user.

    This means you have to dive into all of the Facebook features you use to market your business -- but from a customer perspective. Use Facebook on your desktop(pc) and your mobile to see the difference in experience.

    Like some of the businesses, you purchase from on Facebook, as well as a few celebrities, sports, marketing, and other interesting pages. After you like the page, select the option to either get notifications from or see posts first in your news feed from those liked pages. When you see those posts, engage with them. Join some groups that match your interests or niche. Look at the ads that show in your news feed and the right sidebar. For pay attention to posts from friends that either link to or just shared from other business pages.

    So if you added Instagram as a placement option for your Facebook ads, get Instagram on your mobile, follow a mix of individuals and businesses, and search the news feed there too. As you start to become an active user of Facebook, you will naturally learn what works for you and what doesn't.
    That knowledge can be easily applied to your Facebook marketing strategy.

    *Note that this tip should apply for all social networks. If you like to use the network for marketing, you should be using the network.

    2. Always Follow the Facebook Newsroom blog
    Whenever Facebook try to roll out a new feature, they'll announce it on their own Newsroom blog. This will help you to stay up to date on currently available or upcoming changes to the Facebook platform.

    Anything that affects user experience on Facebook (especially in the Product News category) will affect your marketing.

    3. Upload your Videos Directly to Facebook
    YouTube is a good platform to get some views for your video. But better than that:

    Upload your own video directly to Facebook rather than sharing it from YouTube.This is because a video uploaded natively to Facebook is more likely to catch attention.

    In fact, Quintly found that Facebook native videos act up to 5 times good than any other video formats.

    4. Stop assuming the one-size-fits-all client

    There are thousands of posts about the best Facebook marketing tips out there -- many of which speak you that you should or should not be doing something.
    It's necessary to remember that no matter how authoritative the source is, not everything will apply to you and your business. What works for one small-scale business owner may be a waste of time to another. What works for one company may be a huge waste of investment for another. Most importantly, if you do not feel comfortable doing anything, it is not going to work well for you or your clients.

    So if you read something and think that it is not right for you, do not feel sad about skipping that advice.

    5. Feature a Video on Your Facebook Page
    If you make a video that your fans love, they'll share, and when they share......That increases the popularity of your Facebook page, Featured video can do something.

    Upload a featured video to your FB About section, with a thumbnail that looks larger than the others on your page. This is a better way to promote a new service or product, or maybe even tease your upcoming event.

    6. Join legit Facebook marketing groups-Always update

    Facebook marketing groups are two types: chock full of important information or utterly useless spam. 
    One somewhat sneaky way to search the best groups is to look at the groups the well-known Facebook experts belong to. You can do this by visiting their personal Facebook profile's about tab to view what public groups they belong to…

    7. Use the latest Facebook ‘Offers’

    Everyone loves a sale, and your clients are much more likely to click when you offer a discount. If you have got a sale on your products, you can create an advert specifically for the offer. Why not create an introductory special offer to entice people in?
    The good thing about this advert is that your potential customers don’t even need to quit Facebook to redeem it. There is less friction, and it concludes the gap between a sale. Clicking the ad send them a unique code, that they can easily use your website.

    This specific method also uses ‘social proof’, by displaying others that ‘14,992’ people have already claimed it. All in all, this is an intellectual way to entice new and existing customers to your website.

    8. Try to ‘Boost’ your Existing Popular Post

    Sometimes, we are aware of launching an advert, because we never know how well it will react. Will anyone click through? Will it be a waste of money? so That’s why boosting an existing post is a great idea. You can choose a post that has already generated lots of shares, click-throughs, and interactions. In other words, you know it works. Now, simply boost it to reach millions of new people.

    You can pick to promote it to people who already like your page or reach out to new people. The beauty of a boosted post is that you already know it produces good results. Boost it, and you are almost guaranteed maximum sales and attention.

    9. Reinforce Your Brand Identity Instead

    This is another good way to advertise without actually selling anything. Take south Face, for example. They are outdoor and adventure store. Yet, their adverts focus on strengthening their own brand identity rather than directly selling.

    They understand that Facebook adverts work better when they are visual, inspiring, and viral in nature. In the long-run, they will build their client base, and strengthen their brand loyalty with this form of advertising.

    10.Join groups in your niche or business industry

    Facebook marketing advice is not one-size-fits-all, it is also good to join groups in your niche or business industry. Preferably groups of people marketing in your niche or business, but general groups for other business owners work too.

    Join them and do some searches for better Facebook marketing tips, marketing on Facebook, advertising on Facebook, Facebook advertising, etc. That will point you in the direction of posts that offer some helpful advice about what works and what does not.

    The gems of advice will always be in the comments.

    11. Leverage Facebook Live- Go Live

    The Facebook Live feature has finally added. It gave you the opportunity to stream live events without ever leaving Facebook. you can maximize its marketing potential during all steps of your event preparation.
    Pre Event-

    Start promoting your event a couple of days earlier to ensure that your audience tunes in real time. You can even manage your audience anticipation through a countdown to your Facebook Live date.
    Do a mock broadcast to get a glimpse of what your follower will see. Make sure your follower will be able to hear you clearly and without any distractions. Have social media guidelines in place so you understand what to do when engaging with your follower during a live broadcast.

    Real-Time Broadcast

    Having a good description of the video is key. Make sure it gives information that is both comprehensive and attention-grabbing. Try to introduce yourself and engage with viewers as you stream your broadcast.

    End your broadcast with a CTA.... such as asking them to follow you on Facebook or announcing the schedule of your upcoming live event. And of course, never forget to thank your viewer for joining you.

    Post Event-

    Edit your Facebook live video (Edit Post option at the top right of the video). You can include a custom thumbnail, improve your description, add a CTA button, choose tags etc.

    Promote your Live video. Chances are that not each person was able to tune in real time.... and they'll appreciate the capability to watch the video on demand.

    12. Target Your Website traffics

    Nowadays many shop owners instinctively use Facebook ads to reach out to new customers. However, it is actually more effective to target people who have already visited your website. They are already familiar with your brand and they have already browsed your products. There is already a connection there, so they are more likely to buy any product from you. You just require to remind them!
    Using Facebook adverts, you can recall them about your website, and strengthen your own brand identity in their mind. First of all, you will have to use a little piece of code called a ‘Facebook pixel’. You put it on your website so Facebook can collect information about who visits your site. Now, when setting up your advert, you need to click the ‘Custom Audience option.

    Target website traffic
    So you will now see this option. Then Facebook will target users who have already been on your website. You are much more likely to get the click-through and sale applying this technique.

    13. Experiment, experiment and more experiment

    Did you enjoy the science project in school?
    If so, then turn your Facebook marketing into a science class by experimenting. 
    Experimentation can especially go a long way with ads, thanks to the latest ad campaign structure.

    Experimenting does not just help you to sharpen your Facebook marketing skills - it helps you to figure out what will work the best for your business and Facebook marketing goals.

    14. Market something else on Facebook- expand your            hobbies

    If you have a hobby outside of your main business try to market that for a while on Facebook.

    Sometimes getting into something new will help break the monotony and spark new marketing ideas that can be applied to your main endeavor.

    15. Target Your Email Subscribers-Use Facebook adverts
    Again, this uses the same method above, this time your target audience is even more closely connected to you. They have signed up to your email list, that's mean they are already very interested in your products. A few careful Facebook adverts will hike your brand awareness even further, and convince them to buy.

    16. Frequently review your analytics

    Knowing what works is the best way to improve your marketing strategy, so you should review your Facebook Insights on a regular basis!

    If you own a Facebook group, you should try Critics for a similar analysis of your all group members, engagement, and top content.

    If you have logged in your Facebook profile to followers, you can easily use Wolfram Alpha to get a little insight there too.

    17. Lets Run Facebook Ad Campaigns to Get More Views

    To getting organic Facebook views should always be one of the goals of your content marketing strategy. 
    However, with 100 million hours of video being uploaded to Facebook per day, it is quite easy to get lost in the crowd. The good news is that you can produce your video a bit of a boost by using an ad.

    A sponsored video post will show on the newsfeeds of users that fit your target profile, but who may not be a part of your network.

    Best of all, you have the ability to target your viewers based on their location, age, interest, etc. Facebook ads let you tap into a market that you may easily go through.

    It only takes a handful of new viewers for your video to expand like wildfire... provided you have great content, of course.

    18.customized thumbnail for your video

    Every viewer sees thumbnails before they see your video.

    That's why it is very important to choose one that is in perfect alignment with your brand and marketing strategy.

    So always give preference to thumbnails that have the potential to be a chick magnet.

    Remember: you have the option on Facebook to choose a customized thumbnail for your video... So make sure you make the most of it.

    19. Target Someone In A Long-Term Relationship

    Couples who are half-the-world away from each other always love to send gifts. So you can help them out, by targeting them directly. Facebook uses its various analytics to identify couples that are in long term distance relationships.

    you can target people if they have got an anniversary coming up. Those people are habitually looking for a gift in the near future. You can also target friends of those with a new job or friends of a newly engaged couple. These are people that are likely to be looking to purchase something.

    20. Apply A White Background

    All advertising experts have done thousands of tests and concluded that white backgrounds drive more click-throughs. Do you know Why? Because, in general, it draws the eye. Web designers always use white space to make the main object stand out more.

    In this image, see closely how the orange pops out of the screen. It is boosted by the white screen behind it. The customer’s eye is automatically attracted towards it, and they’re much more likely to click on the link. Now try it yourself with your own adverts.

    21. Get feedback from your audience or follower

    Last but not the least- Let the most important people in your Facebook marketing strategy -- your audience -- help you to improve your Facebook marketing by asking them what they need to see from your Facebook page or group!

    You can do it by asking a simple question on your facebook page or go with a formal survey and gifts (just follow Facebook rules).

    Either way, you can use this strategy to find out what to post, what people want to see, or even find out why people became a fan in the first place.

    To know more about marketing skills, tricks visit- https://digitalnetguru.blogspot.com/
    email: business.tanmaymisra@gmail.com


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